Begin with a profound love and appreciation of sushi, an unwavering purveyance of the finest that Asian cuisine has to offer, toss in a penchant for aesthetics, add a dash of aural pleasure, and therein lies - the fundamental ingredients that comprise ‘Kinki Asian-Fusion’.Entrepreneurs Marisol Simoes, and Zadek Ramowski bring to the table a healthy serving of combined expertise and dedication to the culinary arts that will undoubtedly ensuretheir patrons an unparalleled dining experience. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or you are making your initial foray into the frontiers of sushi and Asian cuisine, Kinki has thoughtfully crafted their menu in a way that is palette conscious of both the novice and connoisseur alike.Bucking the long-standing notion that Asian cuisine must, more often than not, be consumed in a banal environment, Kinki christens the nation’s capital with an in-vogue Asian inspired dining lounge. The restaurant embraces an ever-growing cosmopolitan trend of stylized Asian eateries. Kinki’s fusion motif transcends the establishment’s victual offerings, lending itself to a collage of fixtures and frequencies.
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